Kim Laidlaw is an award-winning cookbook editor, author, and recipe developer. She is the co-author of national bestseller Nightmare Before Christmas Cookbook and Amazon bestseller Five Mary's Ranch Raised Cookbook.
She is the author of Williams Sonoma Everyday Slow Cooking, Quick Slow Cooking, Home Baked Comfort,
and Dessert of the Day, as well as IACP award-nominated Baby & Toddler on the Go.
With over 20 years of experience in book publishing and packaging, Kim has managed hundreds of projects from conception to completion. Her clients include Hog Island, Weber, Liberty Ducks, Kendall-Jackson Winery, Williams Sonoma, KitchenAid, Saveur, EatingWell Magazine, KQED, American Girl, BabyCenter, and more.
As Executive Editor at Weldon Owen Publishing for more than 11 years, Kim packaged and managed more than 100 cookbooks, many for Williams Sonoma. A former tech editor and project manager for multi-million dollar websites, she led the digital effort at Weldon Owen, producing and scripting numerous book companion videos and implementing a Williams Sonoma cookbook app and interactive books.
Kim is a recipe developer and tester for such clients as Weber, SPARK grills, Disney, KitchenAid, Impossible Foods, Sitka Salmon, KQED Inc., Chef Tanya Holland, and other international chefs, bloggers, and cookbook authors. She is a former instructor at the acclaimed San Francisco Cooking School, and graduated from the California Culinary Academy. Kim previously worked as a professional baker at La Farine French Bakery in Oakland, CA.